Sunday, April 19, 2015

fourwhitepaws: new toy

fourwhitepaws: new toy: I got the idea for this new toy from  Playtime for Cats: Activities and Games for Felines  by Helena DbalĂ˝ and Stefanie Sigl. I love this bo...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Just another day in paradise

Today I woke up so it is a good day.  Right? I want to be happy every day no matter what is happening in my life. I want to so I am.  Of course I slip back into the poor me stage for short periods of time but I work at not letting them overwhelm me. I go online and looking for inspirational or funny blogs to read when these times seem too much.  A phone call from a loved one always helps.

Watching the news is a look at reality of other peoples lives.  Some good, some not so good.  It would be nice if they reported more positive things that are happening in the world as well as all the negative.  I  know we can learn great lessons from the negative but a little laughter or loving can't hurt either.  I do realize how lucky I am though.  When I wake up and the pain seems too much I know that means I am alive.  It's a good starting point. 

Here's to being alive.  Any life experience is good when it is shared.  Looking forward to hearing other people inspirations.